Halo Mayfly Emerger…


I had the book signed by Gary when I met him in Norway back in 1991.


The Halo Mayfly Emerger is an odd looking creature, but it works! Again it´s the “halo” that is the most eyecatching feature of the fly. Probably the most important feature is the butt made from clear antron fibers. The halo must be made from clear polyurethane foam, not closed cell foam. The clear foam gives of an aura of light above the thorax. La Fontaine says that this state lasts only 10-20 seconds in the life cycle of the mayfly. The spike/wing stub is made from fluorescent orange deer hair and may also be a good trigger. Some of his tests showed that the fish almost never rejected this fly when presented right.  I have had success mostly on rivers and streams with this pattern. I have yet to test it seriously on norwegian lakes. This pattern can of course be tied in any color to match the natural.

6 thoughts on “Halo Mayfly Emerger…

  1. Thanks,Brian! I think he was the most innovative fly fisherman in our time. He was a really nice guy too…He was the closest one could get to a superstar in fly fishing back then and it was very cool for us young norwegians to meet him!

  2. Kjell Karlsen

    Ohh…..I remember that day we met Fontaine at Elverum. A big moment for my flytying, and the book with his signature is a diamond in my book collection.

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